December / 2022

ISBN: 9771824130006

«Progetto grafico» 38 – Lose

Game over. 
Losing to start over.

We have all lost and our planet confirms this every day. Exhausted by the mistreatment it has been subjected to for generations, our planet has finally decided to trigger the countdown to extinction, because we human beings understand danger only when the meteorite pointing straight at the earth becomes visible to the naked eye. It is only then that defeat can become a constructive opportunity from which to start again.

This is the compelling message on which we have based this issue of Progetto grafico, the last by this editorial staff. We have explored central themes of design culture and hope to have helped keep the debate alive.

The contributions we selected for this last issue of Progetto grafico indicate the need and the ability to free the design project from a positivist perspective so as to recover the reflexive dimension of a double movement that makes it a form of dialogue. It is precisely to this double movement of the design process, this contradiction of sorts, that we have aimed to give form in Progetto grafico issues 33 to 38. 

In this issue:

Archival section: Alexandra Zsigmond

AA.VV. – Constellating landscapes

Gianluca Camillini e Jonathan Pierini – Game over

Gianluca Camillini – Losing the (historical) thread

Michele Galluzzo – They took everything away from us

Simona Riccobene – Publications and the Sicilian neoavant-garde

Davide Giorgetta – Web design and oblivion

Jonathan Pierini, Roman Rispoli – On cats, vacuum cleaners, space suits and parrots

Laura Bortoloni, Matteo Moretti, Alice Corona – Almost the same place

Alexandra Zsigmond, Giulia Cordin – A Lexicon of Loss


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Editor in chief
Jonathan Pierini

Gianluca Camillini, Jonathan Pierini

Editorial board
Giulia Cordin,
Caterina Di Paolo,
Michele Galluzzo,
Davide Giorgetta,
Silvio Lorusso,
Emilio Macchia,
Erica Preli

Editorial coordination
Caterina Di Paolo

Graphic design
eee studio (Emilio Macchia, Erica Preli)



December / 2022

ISBN: 9771824130006

«Progetto grafico» 38 – Lose

Game over. 
Losing to start over.

We have all lost and our planet confirms this every day. Exhausted by the mistreatment it has been subjected to for generations, our planet has finally decided to trigger the countdown to extinction, because we human beings understand danger only when the meteorite pointing straight at the earth becomes visible to the naked eye. It is only then that defeat can become a constructive opportunity from which to start again.

This is the compelling message on which we have based this issue of Progetto grafico, the last by this editorial staff. We have explored central themes of design culture and hope to have helped keep the debate alive.

The contributions we selected for this last issue of Progetto grafico indicate the need and the ability to free the design project from a positivist perspective so as to recover the reflexive dimension of a double movement that makes it a form of dialogue. It is precisely to this double movement of the design process, this contradiction of sorts, that we have aimed to give form in Progetto grafico issues 33 to 38. 

In this issue:

Archival section: Alexandra Zsigmond

AA.VV. – Constellating landscapes

Gianluca Camillini e Jonathan Pierini – Game over

Gianluca Camillini – Losing the (historical) thread

Michele Galluzzo – They took everything away from us

Simona Riccobene – Publications and the Sicilian neoavant-garde

Davide Giorgetta – Web design and oblivion

Jonathan Pierini, Roman Rispoli – On cats, vacuum cleaners, space suits and parrots

Laura Bortoloni, Matteo Moretti, Alice Corona – Almost the same place

Alexandra Zsigmond, Giulia Cordin – A Lexicon of Loss


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Editor in chief
Jonathan Pierini

Gianluca Camillini, Jonathan Pierini

Editorial board
Giulia Cordin,
Caterina Di Paolo,
Michele Galluzzo,
Davide Giorgetta,
Silvio Lorusso,
Emilio Macchia,
Erica Preli

Editorial coordination
Caterina Di Paolo

Graphic design
eee studio (Emilio Macchia, Erica Preli)